1. Make sure you have an account AdSense While the process in order to display ads on their YouTube videos is a separate profit and statistics go hand in hand with your AdSense account, so you need to have uno.En theory could apply to become a YouTube partner before you have an AdSense account, and if it is accepted, then will follow up with an application for AdSense. I think the reverse is much simpler, without embargo.
2. Grow your audience YouTubeUno of the most important criteria to the guys at YouTube are used to evaluate your application is the public who come to YouTube. Do not reveal what the requirements are, but I've seen many people say that these are approximate numbers you need to have before being accepted: at least 1,000 abonadospor least 1,000 views on all videospor least 10,000 reproductions is canalSe the minimum, however, if you want to make sure you are accepted it would target 5,000 subscribers and 50,000 channel views and over 1,000,000 views total.
3 load. Get Out There regularmenteSi Videos only have one or two videos uploaded to your chances of being accepted are low, even if those videos went viral. That's because YouTube is looking for people who are planning to work with them in the long plazo.La greater regularity and frequency with which new videos up, the better. For example, someone uploads a new video every day are more likely to be accepted that a person who goes up one every two semanas.Usted also want to make sure you have at least 100 videos uploaded before applying to become a partner (although some people say that 50 will suffice) .
4. Developing a brand around their vídeosEste step is not essential, but I think it helps a lot in getting approved. It should be remembered that, while meeting the technical standards, shall be a person on the other site to decide whether you are a good choice to become a YouTube partner or not. In other words, the more professional looking over their practical posibilidades.Consejos include: Creating a website to host your videos and give your audience interactuarCrear wayts for a nice logo and use it in all partesUtilice a watermark on videos logotipoConsidere with the possibility of a professional introduction done for their vídeosPersonaliza your YouTube channel to make it look profesional
5. Make sure your content has zero Material Copyright one thing that will make your application is rejected in the act is a violation of copyright, so make sure you have zero copyrighted material in their vídeos.Esto includes images, graphics, logos, video clips and audio. For example, if only with background music you might not have permission to get your application rechazada.6. Apply to become partners YouTube to follow all the steps above you are ready to apply. You can do that through the official YouTube Partner Program. It might take a while to get your application to be considered, because of the burden of those who apply, but once accepted you will be able to start showing ads on their videos immediately.